Configuring a post

here are all options you can use in the frontmatter of a blog post:

title: string (required)

  • title of the blog post, don’t repeat this in the markdown part
title: "My first blog post"

description: string (required)

  • will be shown in the blog post list
description: "This is my first blog post"

date published (required)

  • date when the post was published, will be shown in the blog post list, posts will be sorted by this date
pubDate: "Oct 24 2024"

short description (optional)

  • will be used for open-graph image generation (will fallback to description)
shortDescription: "This is my first blog post"

updated date (optional)

  • date when the post was last updated
updatedDate: "Oct 24 2024"

hero image (optional)

  • path to the hero image, image has to be in /src/assets folder and has to start with /src/assets/ or ../../assets/
heroImage: "../../assets/backgrounds/blog-placeholder-4.jpg"

tags (optional)

  • array of tags
tags: ["first", "blog"]

hide hero (optional)

  • whether to hide the hero image, default: false (will show hero image on top of the post)
hideHero: false

use hero as open-graph image (optional)

  • whether to use the hero image as the open-graph image (instead of the default /src/assets/background.png), default: false
useHeroAsOGImage: false

no text in open-graph image (optional)

  • wether to hide title and short description in the open-graph image, default: false
noTextInOGImage: false

disable comments (optional)

  • whether to disable comments, default: false
disableComments: false

disable likes (optional)

  • whether to disable likes, default: false
disableLikes: false